U Biblioteci Matice srpske čuva se legat akademika Slavka Borojevića i prof. dr Katarine Borojević, koji se sastoji od oko 500 knjiga i preko 8.000 separata iz oblasti genetike i oplemenjivanja bilja, korespondencije i arhive.
A slide of the publications from the e-exhibition Slavko Borojevic (1919-2019) Matica Srpska Library (BMS)
Biblioteka Matice srpske (BMS) je na osnovu građe iz svojih zbirki priredila izložbu povodom 100 godina od rođenja Slavka Borojevića. Elektronski katalog izložbe sadrži popis izabranih dela i literature sa signaturama.
Slavko and Katarina Borojevic donated their private library to the Matica Srpska Library (BMS) in Novi Sad, consisting of about 500 books and over 8,000 extracts in the fields of genetics and plant breeding, correspondence and archives.
BMS organized an electronic exhibition (ppt presentation) on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Slavko Borojevic (1919-2019) Version of the exhibition in pdf on BMS website /www.bms.ns.ac.rs/izlozbe/izlozba299.pdf
News about the Symposium dedicated to the 100th Birth Anniversary of Academician Slavko Borojević, Novi Sad November 14, 2019
Book of Abstracts available at www.ifvcns.rs/abstracts-borojevic
Novi Sad, Serbia, 13-15th November 2019, organized by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Branch in Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad, and Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad
Wednesday, November 13
17.00-18.00: Registration and Welcome Reception (The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Branch in Novi Sad, address Nikole Pašića 6)
from 18.00: Tour of Sremski Karlovci, Wine Tasting and Dinner
Thursday, November 14
Chairpersons: Prof. Dr. Miodrag Dimitrijević, academician Dragan Škorić, academician Stevan Pilipović
9.15 – 10.00: Opening ceremony and welcome speeches by the organizers including the president of the Novi Sad Branch of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts academician Stevan Pilipović and prof. Borojević’s daughter Dr. Ksenija Borojević
10.00 – 10.30: Coffee break
10.30-11.00: Opening lecture: From Cold Spring Harbour to the Novi Sad School of Genetics – Prof. Dr. Miodrag Dimitrijević, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture
11.00-11.30: Plenary lecture: World Food Supply Present and Future – Problems and Prospects – Prof. Dr. Perry Gustafson, Adjunct Professor of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Missouri, USA and retired geneticist of the Agricultural Research Service, USDA
11.30-12.00: Plenary lecture: Gene Manipulation In Wheat Improvement
12.00-12.30: Plenary lecture: Селекция мягкой пшеницы в Национальном Центре зерна имени П. П. Лукьяненко: традиционные и биотехнологические методы – Davojan Rumik Oganesovič, Research Institute of Agriculture named after P.P. Lukyanenko, Krasnodar, Russia
12.30-12.45: Changes in Senescence Pattern Related With Breeding Progress in Winter Wheat – Dr. Milan Mirosavljević, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad
12.45-13.00: Improvement of Spike-Stem-Tillers (SST) Complex is a Challenge In Wheat Breeding – Prof. Dr. Ivan Panayotov, Agricultural Experimental Station – Dunav, Bulgaria
13.00-13.15: Polymorphisms and Flow of Gliadin Alleles in Wheat – Prof. Dr. Desimir Knežević, University of Priština, Faculty of Agriculture in Lešak
13.15-13.30: Discussion
13.30-14.00: Poster Viewing Session
from 14.00: Lunch and Closing Ceremony
Past and Future of Cereal Improvement
Grain yield changes in historical set of Pannonian winter wheat varieties / Bojan Jocković, Velimir Mladenov, Radivoje Jevtić, Sonja Ilin, Vladimir Aćin, Milan Mirosavljević, Dragan Živančev (Serbia)
Utilisation of sodium dodecyl sulphate sedimentation test for quality prediction of wheat cultivars in Serbia / Dragan Živančev, Milan Mirosavljević, Bojan Jocković, Vojislava Momčilović, Radivoje Jevtić, Vladimir Aćin, Slaviša Štatkić, Sanja Mikić (Serbia)
Variations of ecological factors in plant production – Frames of living activities of cultivated plants / Ljubica Šarčević-Todosijević, Vera Popović, Sara Has, Ljubiša Živanović (Serbia)
Biodiversity and Utilization of Genetic Resources in Cereals
Characterisation of small grains resources at IFVCNS with UPOV descriptors / Sanja Mikić, Verica Takač, Milan Mirosavljević, Dragana Trkulja, Vojislava Momčilović, Ankica Kondić Špika, Ljiljana Brbaklić (Serbia)
Estimation of genetic diversity and population structure of IFVCNS wheat collection using molecular markers and pedigrees / Ljiljana Brbaklić, Dragana Trkulja, Sanja Mikić (Serbia)
Analysis of chlorophyll content in a bread wheat collection and its correlations with flowering time and grain yield / Verica Takač, Sanja Mikić, Milan Mirosavljević, Vojislava Momčilović, Dragana Trkulja, Ljiljana Brbaklić, Ankica Kondić Špika (Serbia)
Improvement of buckwheat production / Vera Popović, Ljubiša Kolarić, Branka Žarković, Ljubiša Živanović, Ljubica Šarčević Todosijević, Jelena Golijan, Jela Ikanović (Serbia)
Cereals Genetics and Genomics
Genomic technology identification of varieties and hybrids of perennial grass crops / Kondratskaya I. P., Yuknimuk A. N., Chizhik O. V., Reshetnikov V. N., Stolepchenko V. A., Vasko P. P. (Belarus)
Cereals Breeding in a light of Climatic Changes – Biotic and Abiotic Stress Resistance
Obtaining of genetically changed wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) with increased resistance to drought / Mykhals’ka S.I., Komisarenko A.G., Pryadkina G.O. (Ukraine)
Evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) response to different abiotic stresses using modern phenotyping platforms / Ankica Kondić-Špika, Sanja Mikić, Dragana Trkulja, Milan Mirosavljević, Ljiljana Brbaklić, Vesna Župunski, Imre Vass, Janos Pauk, Carl-Otto Ottosen (Serbia, Hungary, Denmark)
Stem store ability of winter wheat under natural drought conditions / V. V. Morgun, G. A. Pryadkina, O. V. Zborivska (Ukraine)
Photosynthetic traits of transgenic maize plants with dsRNA suppressor of proline dehydrogenase gene / O. O. Stasik, D. A. Kiriziy, O. G. Sokolovska-Sergiienko, G. O. Pryadkina, S. I. Mykhalska (Ukraine)
Na Rimskim Šančevima, na Odeljenju za strna žita Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, otkrivena je bista akademiku Slavku Borojeviću (Novi Sad, 7. jula 2017)
Široj agrarnoj javnosti akademik Borojević će ostati u sećanju po njegovoj najpoznatijoj sorti pšenice – Sava. Ona je 1976. u Slovačkoj dala prinos od 10,9 t/ha i u to vreme bila druga na listi svetskih rekordera u prinosu.
Foto: Đorđe Simović
Bista akademika prof. Slavka Borojevića (1919. – 1999.), rad vajara Vladimira Jokanovićaotkrivena je na platou ispred Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Bistu su otkrili njegova ćerka prof. Ksenija Borojević i akademik prof. Dragan Škorić.
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